File Formats Wiki

Editing style in this wiki:


  • Specifications may be written in an easy to moderately easy to understand manner, suited for beginners.
  • Derivative specs may be written assuming the reader knows the 'base' specs. For example, SVG, an XML format, may be explained assuming the reader already understands the XML format.
  • Go straight to the point. Do not clarify or comment on anything outside the topic. (Minor comments can be added as a side note. (Like this one))

Programming languages[]

PL syntax must be summarized in this table format (with examples):

Property/code construct Syntax
Paradigm Object-oriented
Genre Scripting
Basic methods
Subroutine call subroutine_identifier(param1[,param2][...])
Function call function_identifier(param1[,param2][...])
Subroutine block declaration void subroutine_identifier(param1[,param2][...]) { ... }
Function block declaration Function FunctionIdentifier(param1[,param2][...]) ... End Function
Main method call int main(int argc, int argv[])
Function termination return expr
Subroutine termination Return
Line separation and character significance
Line separator ;, line break for directives, none for block
Line continuation none
Single line statement separator ;
Standard statement block { ... }
Block statements visual prefix Tab (recommended)
Insignificant characters Whitespace
Comments and documentation
Single line comment // ...
Multiline comment /* ... */
Documentation /// <summary>...</summary>
Type declaration and initialization var variable_identifier = init_value
Object declaration and initialization Dim var As New obj_type()
Reference declaration type * variable_identifier
Allocation variable_identifier = (type *)malloc(size_of_variable)
Equality / logical biconditional var1 == var2
Inequality var1 != var2
Type and value equality var1 === var2
Reference equality var1 Is var2
Reference inequality var1 IsNot var2
Greater than var1 > var2
Less than var1 < var2
Greater than or equal to var1 >= var2
Less than or equal to var1 <= var2
Logical and bitwise operations
Logical conjunction var1 And var2
Logical disjunction var1 || var2
Logical negation Not var
Sheffer stroke N/A
Joint denial N/A
Logical exclusive or var1 Xor var2
Short-circuit logical conjunction var1 && var2
Short-circuit logical disjunction var1 OrElse var2
Bitwise conjunction var1 & var2
Bitwise disjunction var2
Bitwise negation !var1
Built-in data types
Boolean type bool
Integer types Byte (8-bit), Short (16-bit), Integer (32-bit), Long (64-bit)
Floating point and fractional types Single, Double, Decimal
Base type Object
Text types Char, String
Date types Date (64-bit)
Discrete data structures Defined in framework
Arrays Type()
Array declaration and initialization type var[dimension1[,dimension2]...] = { e1[,e2][...] }
Array element retrieval var[index]
Other constructs N/A
Single line conditional if (condition_expr_bool) statement_if_true [else if (condition_expr_bool2) statement_if_true2][...][else statement_if_false]
Conditional block declaration if (condition_expr_bool) { ... } [else if (condition_expr_bool2) { ... }][...][else { ... }]
Conditional block skip N/A
Ternary conditional condition ? retval_true : retval_false
Short-circuit ternary conditional If(condition, retval_true, retval_false)
Case evaluation
Case evaluation block declaration

Select Case expr
    Case exprtest1[,exprtest2][...]
    [Case ...
    [Case Else
End Select

Case evaluation break break
Basic arithmetic
Addition var1 + var2
Subtraction var1 - var2
Multiplication var1 * var2
Division var1 / var2 (resulting type is the type of the operands)
Modulo (Remainder) var1 Mod var2
Increment by one var++
Decrement by one var--
Pre-increment by one ++var
Pre-decrement by one --var
Addition in place var += expr
Subtraction in place var -= expr
Multiplication in place var *= expr
Division in place var /= expr
Modulo in place var %= expr
Iteration and looping
Preconditional loop block declaration while (expr) { ... }
Postconditional loop block declaration do { ... } while (expr)
Conditional control variable iteration for (var = initial_val_expr; iteration_condition; iteration_step) { ... }
Collection iteration

For Each var [As collection_item_type] In collection

Loop break break
Loop iteration continuation Continue For (For...Next, For Each...Next), Continue Do (Do...While)
Exceptions and handling
Exception handling block declaration try { statements that may throw exceptions } catch (exception_type exception_var) { statements to handle exception } [catch (exception_type2 exception_var) { ... }] [...] [finally { ... }]
Exception (base) type System.Exception
Exception handling line/subroutine declaration Gosub line_number)
Exception handling line/subroutine reset On Error Goto 0
Exception throwing Throw exception_var
Event declaration Event event_name(params/eventargs)
Event handler subroutine declaration Sub ... Handles event_name
Object events declaration Dim WithEvents ...
Handler attachment AddHandler event_name, delegate_subroutine
Handler detachment RemoveHandler event_name, delegate_subroutine
Event raise RaiseEvent event_name
Classes and modules
Class block declaration class class_name { ... }
Class constructor New()
Class destructor Finalize()
Structure block declaration struct struct_name { ... }
Module block declaration Module module_name
Class-level component declaration static var_type var
Object-level component declaration Shared dec
Constant const var = constant_expression
Current object instance reference Me
Public encapsulation public method_dec
Protected encapsulation protected method_dec
Assembly encapsulation method_dec
Private encapsulation private method_dec
Inheritance, overloading and shadowing
Inheriting class inheritance declaration class dec Inherits base_class
Inheritable class declaration class dec
Non-inheritable class declaration NotInheritable class dec
Abstract class declaration MustInherit class dec
Overridable method declaration Overridable method_dec
Overriding method declaration Overrides method_dec
Non-overridable method declaration [NotOverridable] method_dec
Abstract method declaration MustOverride method_ded
Shadowing method declaration Shadows method_dec
Base class reference MyBase
Forced current class reference MyClass
Inheritance scheme Single inheritance
Interface block declaration Interface interface_name
Method overloading declaration
Property block declaration type property_name { get { }; set { } }
Read-only property block declaration type property_name { get { } }
Write-only property block declaration type property_name { set { } }
Setter value keyword value
Enumeration block declaration enum enum_name { ... }
Namespace block declaration namespace ns_name { ... }
Namespace import imports ns_name;
Conversion with defined widening or narrowing conversion method (convert_to_type)var
Conversion from/to a subtype or sub-implementation DirectCast(var)
Widening conversion method declaration Shared Widening Operator CType(obj As convert_from_type)
Narrowing conversion method declaration Shared Narrowing Operator CType(obj As convert_from_type)
  • Sections not applicable for the language (e.g. you are dealing with an esoteric PL) can be omitted.


  • Code for some formats may be placed in a /code subpage. One or more of the following must be used: Visual Basic (.NET), C#, pseudocode, and Java.

  • More to come...